Media Pack

Welcome to Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine’s Media Pack. This comprehensive document provides an overview of our online magazine, audience demographics, advertising options, and pricing. Whether you’re a potential advertiser or an agency seeking detailed information, this media pack will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions for your marketing campaigns.

About Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine:

Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine is a leading platform dedicated to the vaping community. With a focus on delivering high-quality content, we strive to provide vapers with the latest news, trends, product reviews, and educational resources. Our magazine serves as a go-to resource for vaping enthusiasts, catering to all levels of experience and providing valuable insights into the vaping industry.

Audience Demographics:

Our audience consists of a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about vaping. Here are some key demographic insights:

  1. Geographic Reach: Our readership extends worldwide, with a strong presence in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and various European countries.
  2. Age Range: The majority of our readers fall within the age range of 25 to 44, representing a demographic that includes both young adults and middle-aged individuals.
  3. Gender: Our audience comprises both male and female readers, with a slight majority being male.
  4. Vaping Experience: Our readers include beginners who are new to vaping, as well as experienced enthusiasts and hobbyists who have been vaping for several years.

Advertising Options:

We offer a range of advertising options to suit different marketing objectives and budgets. Here are some of the opportunities available:

  1. Banner Ads: Display your brand or product prominently on our website with eye-catching banner ads placed strategically for maximum visibility and engagement.
  2. Sponsored Articles: Promote your brand through informative and engaging sponsored articles that provide value to our readers while highlighting your products or services.
  3. Product Spotlights: Showcase your vape products or accessories through dedicated product spotlights, providing in-depth information and generating interest among our readers.
  4. Newsletter Promotions: Reach our engaged subscriber base through sponsored placements in our newsletter, delivering your message directly to their inbox.
  5. Social Media Promotion: Amplify your brand’s reach by leveraging our active social media presence. We offer sponsored posts and collaborations to extend your visibility on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Our advertising rates vary depending on the specific campaign, duration, and chosen advertising option. To receive detailed pricing information tailored to your needs, please contact our advertising team using the contact details provided below.

Contact Information:

For inquiries, bookings, and to request our complete media kit, please contact our advertising team:

Email: [email protected] Phone: [Insert Phone Number] Address: [Insert Address]

We are excited to work with you and help you achieve your marketing goals. Get in touch with us today to explore how Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine can be a valuable platform for promoting your brand to a targeted audience of vaping enthusiasts.

Download our Media Pack for a comprehensive overview of our magazine and advertising opportunities:

Thank you for considering Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine as your advertising partner. We look forward to collaborating with you and helping your brand thrive in the vaping industry.

The Loyalty Vape Shop Online Magazine Advertising Team